Serious Crimes Unit, Warning

Here is a warning by way of a story for you about the Serious Crimes Unit of the Metropolitan Police who are based at Charing Cross Police Station (2 Agar Street, London, WC2N 4JP).

I always held the British police in the highest regard; not any longer. Serious crimes unit? Murder? Armed robbery? Gang rape / human trafficking? Narcotics importation? Arms dealing? Why no, I was unlawfully / corruptly inflicted upon and arrested by the "SCU" for pleading for FCO consular assistance for my abused British children in Portugal, these pleas made while I was outside British jurisdiction in Spain, and for making a formal FCO complaint from Spain against their "Special Needs" manager for being out drinking at a champagne bar in the West End of London during office hours on the same day she sent me a letter by email telling me to go away, completely ignoring the plight of my highly distressed / abused children.

You can read about the FCO debacle here. The FCO did / does not want me to make the information I have public, which is why they got their pets, the Met's Serious Crimes Unit to arrest and warn me. But publish the facts I am; this is not Nazi Germany and I will not submit to corrupt goons.

My story about the highly professional [sick] and ethical (not) "elite" SCU.

While heading back to Spain by ferry to then grab my British children in Portugal, with no help from the FCO, I received a highly suspicious email from someone purporting to be an officer with the elite Serious Crimes Unit of the Metropolitan Police. It was suspicious due to what I can only describe as being a completely amateur email, the fact that the officer did not appear to know anything about me (my full name, my nationality, etc.), plus the fact why would the SCU be after me? At first I truly believed it was one of those email scams, but it slowly dawned on me this amateur was indeed a police officer, so of course I was concerned. You need to read my history with the FCO below to know that I was worried about one day being the subject of a European Arrest Warrant issued by Portugal for defaming a member of their judiciary as part of a European Court of Human Rights process against Portugal.

The email said someone had made a criminal complaint against me, which I just could not believe except, coincidentally, I was helping the Series and Organised Crime Team of the British Transport Police in relation, wait for this, to an eBay sale I made apparently to someone they were investigating (and ultimately convicted); that person had threatened to file criminal complaints against me for whatever, so I suspected it was that.

The SCU officer asked that I call her, but I really did not want to do this without a lawyer in attendance as there are warnings everywhere about speaking alone to the police when accused of a crime. So I said that I would only speak to her if they provided a duty solicitor, which she said they would not as duty solicitors were only provided for during interrogations / questioning. At no time did she ask me to come into Charing Cross Police Station and I advised her of the fact, just in case, that I was a documented serious human rights victim with two ECtHR Interim Measure processes to my name; at this point, according to Home Office "counting" rules, she should have referred the matter to a senior officer, but apparently did not.

She asked me where I was. Given I had no wish to be arrested by the Portuguese police / prosecutors who were seeking a 28 year and 9 month jail sentence against me for somehow defaming members of their judiciary at the ECtHR, I did not tell her; I simply alluded to the fact I was overseas resident and I stated categorically that I was outside their jurisdiction at that time. She asked if I was refusing to speak with her and I said "No, I am simply not prepared to talk to you without a duty / UK state paid solicitor in attendance". The SCU officer did not mail me back again. I believed she had finally realized that she did not have jurisdiction to act that way at that time, and / or that the complaint against me was seen to be without cause. NB: If you know nothing about emails, it is a very easy matter to determine whereabouts someone is from the header information contained in each email you send. I therefore believed she had finally made such a check (such checks you and I can also do online as there are free tools to analyse email headers) and knew I was on the Iberian Peninsular (or the ferry).

After I grabbed my family and returned home to the UK (Norfolk), I was again in touch with the BTP officer and I asked him about these SCU emails and if they were related to the case he was investigating, and he said "probably", so I thought no more about it. I had no police record but I knew that people who had been accused of a crime by a third party, knowing I had not committed any crimes, certainly no serious crime, but I knew that the police were legally bound first to invite a suspect / the accused in for a voluntary interview. I was also aware that according to police procedure, unless a crime was physically committed in a certain place within the UK, that it had to be transferred to the police force that served the area in which the accused lived; Norfolk in my case. As I had not been to London for maybe 10 years, I was sure that if the complaint was anything, the local police would investigate it and contact me if they thought there was anything to it.

Well the Norfolk Constabulary did come and see me one evening; the same evening as my family arrived from Australia to be with us after our ordeals on the Iberian Peninsular. But the police did not come to talk to me, they came to arrest me; an arrest warrant had been issued by the SCU regarding a harassment complaint made by the FCO! So, in front of my children, who were terrified of police already, and in front of my family including my elderly mother, I was arrested and placed in detention overnight (detained in a police cell). They did not afford me vulnerable person status as I was entitled as a human rights victim. They kept me awake virtually all night telling me a police van was coming to take me to Charing Cross Police Station, which never came. And then I was released on bail to appear at Charing Cross Police Station in a few days time.

So I had to travel to Charing Cross Police Station to be interviewed; what a joke! Had I threatened this FCO manager? No! Did I call her a sexual whore and human garbage? No, while in Spain I called the FCO professional whores and human garbage as an organization! Did I create a FaceBook page to be able to contact her FaceBook friends? No! And even if I had, the SCU knew too well that I was in Spain when it is alleged this happened, so they did not have jurisdiction anyway! Did I support ISIS? No! Did I threaten to fly a plane into FCO HQ? No (in fact, no-one had)! I had simply tried to get help for my abused children.

OK, so my own questions to the elite, intelligent, capable, professional cream of the British CID. These questions were also made as a complaint both to the Metropolitan Police complaints team and IPCC, for all the good this did me.

Q) Did you know I was in Spain when the alleged harassment occurred?
A) We were not sure! (So much for having passport control and our own borders. So much for examining the alleged harassment emails clearly from Spain). Yeh right!

Q) Did you ask me to come into a voluntary police interview?
A) Yes, by email and by posted letter to your Norfolk address.

Q) How come, in none of the emails did the officer never ask me to come in for an interview.
A) Well you refused to talk to her by phone, which we think is the same thing (remember, I never refused to speak to her, I only demanded a solicitor to be present, but they claim my being somehow awkward about it constituted a refusal to attend a voluntary interview which was never actually mentioned).

Q) How come I never received any such letter in the post from you?
A) Silence. In fact, I made numerous attempts to get this alleged invitation letter which I never received. There was no copy of it in the investigation file, though the investigation file claims it exists as justification for my arrest; the IPCC at least confirmed there was indeed no such letter in the investigation file. When I asked the Met's complaints officer for a copy he at first said he would get it, but later refused! When I filed a Freedom of Information Request to get it, I was refused on the basis that it could be used to sue the police! OMG, I kid you not. Has anyone ever tried so hard to get a copy of a letter a government body says was for you in the first place and never got anywhere! The SCU continue to claim the letter exists and that I did not respond to it, but have refused to provide it. According to police rules, they will no doubt soon be destroying this non-existent letter.

Q) How come you did not follow Home Office Counting Rules and send the complaint file to the Norfolk Constabulary for them to investigate?
A) Because you never answered the letter we sent you at the Norfolk address (of course) and did not therefore know where in fact you were! (This turned out to be total BS as the SCU had details of a car I bought and had registered to that Norfolk address, and had a police officer gone to that address, he would have seen my car parked there as I had rented a minibus to take to Spain).

Q) When you emailed me, you asked where I was. Did it not occur to you to analyse the header information of my email replies to determine where I was?
A) No, because we have to go through a complicated process to do this (BS, anyone can do a simple provisional analysis online for free).

Q) Why did you not inform the Norfolk Constabulary that I was a vulnerable person, someone who was a documented human rights victim who had tried to recently take their own life, as reported to you in my emails?
A) Silence.

I was issued a BS statutory harassment warning and told not to publish the facts about the FCO. Screw you SCU; this is not Nazi Germany and you are not SS officers / Gestapo. I would rather die (and kill Nazis in the process) than ever submit to them.

Of course, my complaints went nowhere. It seems that as long as the police can concoct some low threshold form of reasoning and say "I did not know, I thought....", they can get away with this corrupt abuse. Their reasoning was that although the alleged harassment had probably taken place while I was in Spain, they were unsure. And that the harassment apparently continued when I relocated back to the UK (as I had pursued my complaint against the FCO manager - remember, I was promised a full and thorough investigation regarding this by the FCO, but it never happened, so I had every right to purse this, and it was not harassment).

The whole allegation that I harassed this person is of course a sick joke. Why did they never block my emails on their FCO email account if it was harassment? Why did the FCO manager never complain about it to me? Why did the FCO never block my emails as a whole? Why did they accept my complaint against her including my language of the time? No, this was all about trying to intimidate me into not telling this story. Well screw you SCU.

The IPCC were useless. All of my complaints were arbitrarily dismissed. But then the IPCC is apparently the most derided government body there is, and made up primarily of ex-police officers of course. The IPCC did say however, that the SCU did admit things could have perhaps been done better / differently, but lawyers have said I need deep pockets to turn this into justice / compensation. Deep pockets that I do not have. I can not get Legal Aid, and the Bar Pro-Bono Unit have no money since their funding was dramatically cut by the government. Justice truly is only for the affluent / wealthy in the UK these days.

I spoke to various lawyers and they advised me not to waste my money, as it would get expensive and the Met of course could afford top lawyers, as they were spending other people's (tax payer's) money. I was told the threshold is so low for what the police can do; they only have to say "they were unsure / did not know / thought this or that may be the case", as you can not sue the police in the UK for investigative / professional negligence! Everyone else you can sue for professional negligence, but not the police, so they can get away with quite blatant corruption / false imprisonment.

I tried to turn the books on the FCO manager who did this to me; I filed my own criminal complaints against her. Of course, my complaint ended up with the SCU, even though I demanded it go to another police department (hey, her complaint against me should have gone to the Norfolk police, so why can I not ask for the same treatment as I had better / lawful reason), but it is truly double standards all around here. Of course the SCU refused to even interview her / progress my complaint. But I think of all the BS reasons they gave, the one I "like" the most is that the photo I submitted of her drinking champagne during office hours was not authenticated! Amazing that, as it was in the SCU's investigation file against me; the FCO manager had authenticated it in her BS criminal harassment complaint against me. But did this revelation duly reported to the SCU get me anywhere? Would the SCU now with a verified photograph go and question her which they previously said they could not because the photo was then considered unverified? No, of course they would not. But they said I could complain to the IPCC!!

Screw the SCU. Screw the Metropolitan Police. Screw the IPCC. I now have an arrest record and the filthy 3rd world police of the Met have my DNA and finger prints; maybe one day they will need it! If I were younger and had no family to care about, I think I might be tempted to wage my own Jihad against the Serious Crimes Unit.

And, you know, that should be of concern to every law abiding citizen. Not that I hate the Serious Crimes Unit so much, but that they inflicted their corruption upon me, as I am sure they do with others. I have no doubt the Metropolitan Police's Serious Crimes Unit fuels crime and terrorism, not to mention afflicts vulnerable people at the tax payer's expense. The Serious Crimes Unit clearly decided to persecute me, knowing and ignoring the risks of doing so to an innocent man, a documented serious human rights victim who had recently suffered two nervous breakdowns and one suicide attempt. I have no doubt that I was abused by the Metropolitan Police to try and keep me quiet, even though keeping me quiet ran the risk of suicide. Just Google "IPCC suicide" and see how arrest related suicides are sky-rocketing; the SCO clearly do not give a damn about innocent human lives.

I believe the SCU need to be taken to task about this BS. I believe the officers involved need to face criminal prosecutions. What do you think?

Leave a comment below with your contact details if you want to talk to me; I will not publish any such contact details comment.

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