Charing Cross Police Station, Warning

The Charing Cross Police Station is the home of the Metropolitan Police's elite (pah) Serious Crimes Unit.

Do you know just how much scope / leeway the Met's finest have to arrest who they want and when they want, just by claiming they did not know this or that when they clearly should? How they can act outside their jurisdiction and the law (Home Office police procedures), how they can afflict a law abiding citizen as a corrupt favour to someone with power / connections, and get away with it?

Did you know that you can not sue the Metropolitan Police for investigative / professional negligence providing they say "I did not know this or that"? No matter how ludicrous their claim to being imbeciles in uniform is, which defense clearly they know to use in order to automatically protect themselves against a claim for false arrest / imprisonment. No, really, they can get away with blatant unlawful arrest outside their jurisdiction through corruption and you can not sue them for negligence!

You would think the Metropolitan Police's Serious Crimes Unit based at Charing Cross Police Station would be out solving, well, serious crimes, right? Well, not always. Sometimes they are the bully boys of connected people who you have lawfully upset, who decide to afflict you, who corruptly abuse the officers at Charing Cross Police Station to come and breach your civil & human rights.

I have a story to tell you that should rock the foundations of your faith in the Metropolitan Police. How, while in Spain (outside UK police jurisdiction) when I tried to get Foreign & Commonwealth Office consular assistance for my abused British children, when I discovered that the FCO's Special Cases manager was out drinking champagne at a West End Bar the same day as she sent me a "Go away" letter, when I filed a complaint against her with the FCO with photographic evidence of her boozing champagne during work hours to support my complaint, having been promised an urgent FCO investigation into her conduct, instead of investigating her for abuse of public office (corruption), the FCO directed her to file a criminal harassment complaint against me but only ONCE I was back in the UK (they knew I had complained about her conduct while in Spain outside of British police jurisdiction).

Here is my Metropolitan Police Corruption story (Click Here).

I can truly say the Metropolitan Police have made me their enemy. I understand how disaffected British nationals, especially minorities whom I am sure have more reason than I to complain, apparently so easily turn to radical Islam, which should be a worry to us all. Oh, I am not a Muslim, nor do I support any terrorist organization to say the very least; I deplore and despise the likes of ISIS and Al Qaeda, for me they are vermin. But it should be a worry for us all that I can relate to and empathise with disaffected / afflicted citizens in respect to how they are treated by the Metropolitan Police. And, whether or not you like to admit or understand it, this makes the Metropolitan Police's Serious Crimes Unit a very big part of the problem and risk to us all. I have no doubt that the corrupt over-zealous acts of the police officers of Charing Cross Police Station contributes more to terrorist attacks against British civilians then it does defend against them.

Whereas I have every respect, thanks and appreciation for the everyday police of Britain, whom I still consider to be the world's finest, I believe the Metropolitan Police's Serious Crimes Unit to be totally corrupt garbage in uniform, no better then the police of North Korea. I just hope that if ISIS or anyone else decides to commit a terrorist attack again in the UK, that they do not pick on the easy innocent civilian targets, but instead consider Charing Cross Police Station.

Leave a comment below with your contact details if you want to talk to me; I will not publish any such contact details comment.

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